Friday, October 30, 2009

3D Anamorphic Street Paintings By Tracy Lee Stum

A professional street painter, Tracy Lee Stum, best known for her 3D street paintings, also called anamorphic or pavement chalk art.
"3D Anamorphic Street Paintings are illusionary 2-dimensional images that appear to become 3-dimensional when viewed from a fixed point through a camera lens. Tracy has been creating these types of chalk art images since she first started street painting and continues to challenge herself through this manner of visual expression."

3D Anamorphic Street Paintings By Tracy Lee Stum

3D Anamorphic Street Paintings By Tracy Lee Stum

3D Anamorphic Street Paintings By Tracy Lee Stum

1 comment:

Billigflug said...

She is good. I love 3D Street Painting since I've seen the first pictures on the Internet a few years ago. It's just awesome. The artist I've seen pictures from also played with people. In the pictures people were standing in different parts of the pictures and it looked as they were part of it. Sadly I can't find the URL anymore. Thanks for pointing me at this artist.

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