Sunday, August 26, 2007

Confusing Reading Illusion

This is little bit similar to the Reading Illusion. Try to read the words written in the image, do you confused? yeah it really confusing one just Increase your distance from the chart until it is readable .........Still Confuse?
Confusing Reading Illusion

The word written in the image is No Sex Causes Bad Eyes. :)-


Anonymous said...

the words are unable to read clearly

Anonymous said...

They are easy to read.
All you have to do is look at the space in the middle. Look at the white spaces.

Anonymous said...

Haha! That's good.
I'm still wondering about that window.
Found you on BlogExplosion.

Anonymous said...

hahaha what it says is funny

Anonymous said...

it seems to be difficult to read but just try to read it with almost closed eyes... it's clear then

Anonymous said...


Linus Ekenstam said...

what font is that!

Anonymous said...

Good brief and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you on your information.

Anonymous said...

try to pull back your eyes

Anonymous said...

Saw it right away, as if people who weren't getting laid didn't need yet another reason to feel bad about themselves. [rolls eyes]

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

nice work thanks

Anonymous said...

Oh wow itook off my glasses nd read it perfectly

Anonymous said...

My maths teacher accidently clicked on this in out maths lesson it came up in the projector and everything.
Thankyou for the funniest maths lesson ever!

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