Friday, June 01, 2007

Secret Hair Illusion

This is an Amazing art on the hair, you must be Wondering what kind of illusion it is. did you sawed the word jet written in the Stylist hair, even i was confused when i sawed it first in the mail then after looking a while at the image i come to know the JET word written in the Hair

Hair Style Illusion


Anonymous said...

The Word Jet is written there

Anonymous said...

how is this an illusion !?

Anonymous said...

You "sawed" it?

Anonymous said...

ooooh!! I did sawed the JET word written in the Stylist hair!!!

wow. that isnt really much of an illusion...

Chidanand said...

This a poor quality illusion trick. It has to evoke curiosity.

nadia said...

ok so it says the word jet in her hair. how is this an illusion?

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