Saturday, June 02, 2007

Leafs Movement Illusion

Is that Leaf are Moving?

Leat Movement Illusion

This is similar to the Moving illusion, the leaf are designed so Amazingly which looks like Moving Constantly, when you look at the leaf which designed in the first row at that time leaf which designed in the second row it will appears to rotate slowly and when you look at the second row's leaf then the first row's leaf appears to rotate slowly.


Anonymous said...

that leaf almost killed my eyes that leafs look nasty even my 4 year daughter was told me that leaf are moving.....Great Work

Anonymous said...

Amazing, that look so cool

Anonymous said...

How this leafs are moving?

Unknown said...

That's crazy,it's amaing that someone can come up with this kinda of thing.its seems so hard these illusions with an objective that is really quite easy

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