Friday, September 11, 2009

Which Way Do You Spin… Left Brain or Right Brain?

Which way is the dancer spinning… clockwise or counter-clockwise?

Most people will see her turning counter-clockwise, which apparently means you’re more left brained (logical). I see her spinning that way, and it’s at first almost impossible to imagine her going clockwise. But it happens, usually by focusing or when something unexpectedly alters your perception.

Which Way Do You Spin… Left Brain or Right Brain?

Here’s the typical run down on left versus right brain:


uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies


uses feeling
“big picture” oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can “get it” (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking

Many people associate the right brain with creativity and lateral thinking, and there’s certainly something to that. Our left brains create structures that can act as barriers to alternative solutions and perspectives.

But your left brain plays a crucial role in creativity as well. Seeing logical associations between seemingly unrelated things is a hallmark of creativity. And the critical-thinking skills necessary to tell a good idea from a bad one are pretty important too.

So… tell us which way your dancer spins for you in the comments. And weigh in with your opinion about the right brain versus left brain for creativity… isn’t it a really a “whole mind” thing?


blogagog said...

Very cool. She seems to go in a different direction each time I looked away from her.

I looked at the individual frames, and from that it's pretty clear that she's moving clockwise in reality. Unless my brain is messing with me even in slow motion :).

Anonymous said...

very cool and very much confused too

memory foam said...

Very interesting illusion. I have seen this before and while I usually see her spinning clockwise, there have been other times when it was counter clockwise for minutes at a time. Hard to explain, especially why after a few minutes it can suddenly switch.

Anonymous said...

It is very interesting for me to read that article. Thanx for it. I like such topics and anything connected to them. I would like to read a bit more soon.

StuntTrader said...

She started off counterclockwise, but I found I could make the direction change by looking down to her shadow & "seeing" it moving in the opposite direction.

Anonymous said...

She's turning clockwise if I look at her feet:)

EllenJulia said...

This is really interesting (right vs left brain), because she was definitely rotating clockwise for me when I first looked, but I do math professionally and consider myself very left-brained. It takes a bit of eye-crossing, but I can make her switch...

Anonymous said...

Very interesting illusion. I have seen this before and while I usually see her spinning clockwise, there have been other times when it was counter clockwise for minutes at a time. Hard to explain, especially why after a few minutes it can suddenly switch.

this is happening to me too. strange.

Anonymous said...

Initially saw her clockwise for a second then switched to counter clock wise. Randomly switches rotation. I consider my self very logic.

Anonymous said...

I just see her turning her leg to one side and then turning it to the other and back and forth... no spinnning.

Anonymous said...

ohhh my god for a 10 minites i saw her turning like the clock-wise but now she is turning all the sides!!!

Anonymous said...

she changes direction its not your brain

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow. I sometimes see clockwise...sometimes counter clockwise. I can sort of change the direction, but to be honest it's pretty random.

Anonymous said...

She keeps switching...

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