Sunday, July 12, 2009

Grey or white? Brightness Illusion

Brightness illusion – Grey or white?
Look at the colour on the top and bottom of this shape. Is it possible they are physically identical?

Roll your mouse over the mask to reveal the truth.

1 comment:

the SASS Man said...

This is actually a perspective fault illusion. The "object" on the top is apparently illuminated from the sunlight above, therefore our minds compensate for the incoming light and tell us there is a darker object brightly lit; while the object below is shown to be in a shadow, therefore must be an UNLIT lighter-colored (or even self-luminous) object.

This is an illusion that has been long facilitated by Mac and Microsoft's practice of adding perspective illumination effects to buttons and window borders throughout the environment. Our minds are used to seeing (and building false texture from) these effects.

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