Thursday, June 18, 2009

Male Or Female Illusion | Illusion Of Sex

Male Or Female Illusion | Illusion Of Sex

The only difference between these two faces is their degree of contrast. Yet one appears female and the other male. That's because female faces tend to have more contrast between the eyes and mouth and the rest of the face than male faces.


Anonymous said...

is it a same face?
I don't think so

Billigflüge Kanada said...

It doesn't look like this on the first look. But when you look closer you see that the left one is only a bit brighter on the face and darker on the lips. The only difference is really contrast and brightness.
It's still hard to believe. Would never have thought this were true.

Anonymous said...

Keep on posting such stories. I like to read blogs like that. BTW add some pics :)

Anonymous said...

someone please do this with a slider that changes contrast so that they switch sexes - excellent phycological illusion

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Anonymous said...

so is it a boy or a girl????

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