Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tracking Eyes Optical Illusion

Does it look like this person is looking directly at you, even if you move to the right or left?

Staring Eyes Optical Illusion

Most people would say that she is.

Our eyes are extremely adept at looking for the perfect roundness in another person’s eyes. If we see a perfectly round pupil it means that they are looking at us. Even amazingly small deviations from circular can be detected.

In this optical illusion, the pupils remain perfectly round and look like they follow us when we move.


Anonymous said...

its amazing

Anonymous said...

-by: bebeghurl_13

Anonymous said...

tounge my sack u fags

-jack herz

Anonymous said...

creepy, but cool..

Anonymous said...

Actually it is not cool at all.

Anonymous said...

very cool man! it is funny but the eyess... is wierd. But not so real as monalisa.

Anonymous said...

she looks scary! =)

Eva said...

Very Kool!!!!

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