Monday, March 10, 2008

Girl on Top of the World Illusion

This illusion gives a funny appearance that the girl is resting on top of that alphabet at the first sight but when you view it a bit carefully you will find that the girl is resting on the ground. The posture in which the the picture was taken makes us feel that the girl is at top of the world.

Girl at top of world Illusion

1 comment:

José Carrilho (Go Detail) said...


This work is impressively deceiving.
If I'm not mistaken, he seems to be Julian Beever
The letter "W" occupies the ground from the part where is touches the ground (not his hand) untill the part of the ground where the girl is i.e. the "W" is far more extended (distorted) than it seems here, so that it will give this effect. It's anamorphic perspective.

Take care,


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