Monday, February 04, 2008

Hidden Jesus Optical Illusion

In this Jesus face you can find the history of jesus, there are few hidden face of jesus and a statue also

Hidden Jesus Optical Illusion


Anonymous said...

i can see 7 to 8 face in this illusion
its look great

Anonymous said...

is it Jesus face? it look different to me lolz

Jay said...

wow thats crazy stuff!

Anonymous said...

it doesn't look jesus but in this picture so many other pictures can be find which is related to jesus.

Anonymous said...

Who is the Artist who drew this? does he/she have a web site

Anonymous said...

Who is the artist that drew this? does he\she have a web site?

Anonymous said...

amazing illusion. beautifullllllllllll

Anonymous said...

amazing illusion. beautifullllllllllll

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