Saturday, September 08, 2007

Skull or a Couple of Girls Illusion

This is Similar to the Couple in a Skull illusion, The Couple having a romance at the previous illusion but here a couple of girls have a chat among themselves, they have some thing in front of the them but unable to specify the product.

Skull or a Coupe of Girls Illusion


Jay said...

wow thats kinda freaky

Anonymous said...

thats one girl, not two, and shes looking in a mirror. Hence, the caption "all is vanity". duh!

Anonymous said...

thats one girl, not two, and shes looking in a mirror. Hence, the caption "all is vanity". duh!

Anonymous said...

i think its a mirror and there is only one girl not two

Anonymous said...

who is the artist of the two girls and a dog painting, does anyone know. My email is I bought a tin type at an antique shop name and date of 1857. I looked it up but no artist at all not sure who painted it.

miranda said...

Um... actually it is a woman looking in a mirror... the products on the table are perfumes... thats why they are saying "all is vanity"

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