Saturday, September 15, 2007

Indian national leaders tree Illusion

This is really a great artwork contains some of the greatest Indian National Leaders of previous time. Karamchand Ghandhi who lead the tree from top and many more faces are there.

Indian national leaders tree


Anonymous said...

the tree looks quite amazingly

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

This be a clever picture!

But it be Talk Like A Pirate Day! An I be a travlin rownd to check hoo be a talkin proper pirate, an hoo be needin to walk the plank! AAGH!

Anonymous said...

Gandhi, lokmanya tilak, sonia gandhi, Ravindranath tagore, Subhash Chandrabosh, Rajaram Mohanroy, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Rajiv Gandhi

Anonymous said...

this tree might an photoshoped artwork, this is not an real one

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