Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hidden Eagles Optical Illusions

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Try to find out all the Eagles in this picture. Got confused with the pictures uff...! here are 7 eagles in this very cool illusion painting, this is similar to the hidden face illusion.


Anonymous said...

i can find only two of those 7 eagles

Anji said...

I love the new look

Anonymous said...

lol,I found all seven :D E-mail me at and I can use paint to point out all seven :)

Anonymous said...

i found them to

Anonymous said...

i found all 7 but not sure about 1...

Anonymous said...

i found 8 to 10. but definately more than 7

Unknown said...

I found eight. possibly 10

Anonymous said...

I found 8 eagles and 1 incredibly tacky painting.

Anonymous said...

i found 8

Anonymous said...

I found 11! Beat THAT!!!

Anonymous said...

there are ten you idiots!!!

Anonymous said...

This is awesome!!

Anonymous said...

There are 10.
2 in the tree.
1 in the cloud
1 obvious one.
1 in the distance.
2 in the left cliff
1 in the far left cliff.
2 in the far cliff.

Anonymous said...

i saw a squiral

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

6 eagles found

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