Monday, July 02, 2007

World Map or a Cow Illusion

World Map Cow

Is this is a Cow or a Roaming world map? you may get confused while looking at this Cow, when i sawed this first time even i was got confused for a while, after a few minutes i get to knew this is roaming world map. Amazing Cow isn't it?


Anonymous said...

This photoshopped cow is definitely better than your English, mate.

Anonymous said...

I'd be interested in leading an expedition to the yet undiscovered huge land mass east of Japan. Looks like another continent bigger than Africa.

Oh, and the two large islands near the knees should be fun to visit. Who's with me?

Anonymous said...

yeah you were right it a amazing photoshopped Cow

hayleymay said...

It's just a cow with N. America, S. America, Asia, Europe,and Australia. It doesn't have Antarctica!

Anonymous said...

and to hayleymay it does have Antartica it's just showin 1/3rd of the country.... (look at right front leg) ;)

Anonymous said...

TRUST AMERICA TO BE ON THE COWS ARSE, does that mean canada are shit?

Anonymous said...

One of my friends already told me about this place and I do not regret that I found this article.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is this for real? Was this cow born like this? Or is this fake?

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