Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Hidden Tiger Optical Illusion

the hidden tiger illusion

This must be the toughest optical illusion I have ever come across, created by American wildlife artist Rusty Rust, that shows a huge Bengal Tiger standing in a bamboo forest. Your mission now is to look for “The Hidden Tiger” in the image below, where is the hidden tiger?


Anonymous said...

where is tiger? unable to find it.

Anonymous said...

I can't find it!

Anonymous said...

Found it. That was actually easy but I won't spoil it for others.

Anonymous said...

Found it, it ain't actually a drawn tiger, it is "the hidden tiger".

clever pic.

Anonymous said...

THAT WAS THE EASIEST THING IN MY LIFE found it in like 4 sec! haha

Anonymous said...

Are you sure there is another tiger?

Anonymous said...

wow!!! where is it i can't find it!!!

Anonymous said...

The words, "The Hidden Tiger" are made in the tiger's STRIPES.

Anonymous said...

i found the words 'the hidden tiger' but there is also a drawing of a tiger hidden in the background.(hint: step back from your screen and look in the top right corner of the picture) it takes a while but you will eventually find it. good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

very cool!!

Anonymous said...

i saw it fast.. (n_n)
nice image..

Anonymous said...

The hidden tiger is a shadow in the right side. Look at there are two little yellow leaves side by side... it's his eyes.

Anonymous said...

its right infront of you!!

Anonymous said...

in the stripes of the tiger....


so easy....


Anonymous said...

i've seen it! and there's also a gorilla smoking a cigar on the left!!!

Anonymous said...

That was nice man it took me a little while to see that!

Anonymous said...

it is hidden in the tiger's stripe hahah it took madd long 2 find oh snap i spoiled it

Anonymous said...


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