Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Castle Illusion


What do you see in this picture? this is similar to the Taj mahal pictures when you see the Taj Mahal at night at will shade like this reflect of the water. clich here to see the image of taj mahal at night .


Anonymous said...

Amazing Photography!!!!!

Anonymous said...

There's absolutely nothing amazing about a reflection in the water.

Anonymous said...

Um, I believe that's the Disney World castle, not the Taj Mahal. And what's the illusion? It's just a reflection.

Anonymous said...

Uhh... its a reflection people...

Anonymous said...

I think you should at least have posted it upside down so the reflection looked the right way up.

zara said...

if you don't get it go on word and copy and paste it then copy again and flip you'll understand

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