Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Moving leftward or rightward illusion

"Moving leftward" appears to move leftward while "Moving rightward" appears to move rightward.

Moving leftward or rightward illusion


Anonymous said...

it di

Anonymous said...

it didn't work for me it isnt as good as others are! but if i could see it then it would be cool! :P

Anonymous said...

i don't get it! How is it moving???

Anonymous said...

the d at the end of the word moves the way the word says

Anonymous said...

Read it from the bottom up. The effect works best that way....

Anonymous said...

its boring the other illusions work better!!!!!!!! :P i don'y understand the illusion

Anonymous said...

OMG other anoymouse you must be blind CAN'T YOU SEE IT this is like the illusion of the centurary

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