Friday, February 02, 2007

Dragon Illusion

A short video about a cut-out dragon that fools the eye by being built backwards intead of forwards, giving the Optical illusion of movement.


Slim said...

Haha! Good one again man. Quite similar to the Einstein one, like the guy said.

Pandabonium said...

I love illusions. They are a wonderful way to demonstrate that how we see the world is not always accurate.

Thanks for the blog and thanks for joining blogmad where found it.

Anonymous said...

that was cool.

carrie said...

oh wow

Anonymous said...

great find!!

pamela said...

definately cool.

Jo said...

fabby illusion !! :)

Anonymous said...

quite good, love the fun with money too

cati said...

That is awesome. I tried to create the same illusion a while ago with a mold. Not only the idea was to have the negative look positive, but also to give the impression that the head of a doll carved was following the viewer.
More info about the project:

The video:

Anonymous said...

i want to make a giant one and stick it on my front garden :D

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