A strange face on display. Looks like a mask, a sleeping man or what is it?
Archive for 07/01/2012 - 08/01/2012
Egypt Mummy Escaping | 3D Chalk Drawing
You might have heard a mummy is a body of human or animal and it kept in cool and dry conditions. Seems like something mysterious is happening inside a pyramid in Egypt. The 3D painting creates an illusion as a mummy is escaping.

Hidden Body Part Optical Illusion
Illusion and its best, some time we try hard to see the vision which is not visible and some time its very close to our sight but still we ignore thinking it can not be the thing which we are looking for, just give a close look at this picture and let me know (via comment) what is wrong in this Hidden Illusion

Impossible Cage M.C.Escher
This Impossible Cage was created by eve-the-strange. This cage is based on the works of M.C. Escher.

Car Racing Broken Wall Street Painting
Looks straight out of a 3D car racing game. The picture shows a car crushing out of the wall.

Guy Riding Bicycle Optical Illusion
Riding bicycle is always fun and good for health, Riding a bike offers many health benefits. Riding a bike is a proven stress releaser and you can save lots of bucks also but this guy gonna get even fat and lazy after riding this bicycle

Funny Cat Tattoo In Stomach Optical Illusion
Drawing a Tattoo in body is always fun and when you have some naughty tattoo in mind then you should go ahead without any second thought. what else can be more funny than this Funny Cat Tattoo? yes it is funny and it will surely make others laugh, i don't know who is the artist or who has this tattoo but who cares as long as we are entertained. If you have any funny tattoo design in your body than don't hesitate to share with me, will check and update if it is really worth of sharing.