First look at point A and then to point B. Now see the square and you will feel its moving.
Look at A then change to B then change to A, when changing from A to B or from B to A you feel the squares are moving or when you reading this.
Archive for 05/01/2011 - 06/01/2011
Moving Squares Optical Illusion

impossible dice optical illusion
These are unreal hyper-dimensional and 8-sided dice, it might be very exciting to play with this Dice with new rules.

Hidden Animal optical illusion
Count the number of wolves you can see in this picture..Definitely the number of wolves is more that 1.

Broken Disk Optical Illusion
If you concentrate on one of the lobster's eyes, after some time (10-15 seconds) it will seem that the broken piece of the plate rejoins the rest. This amusing effect occurs because our brain tends to 'iron' out broken our saw lines.

Fish eye optical illusion | Creative work illusion
The girl has got some immense talent i guess, with the help of two fish she done some amazing photography to create an illusion

Metal Passing through guitars illusion
A straight metal bar appears to pass impossibly through two guitars.

Jesus found in cement floor
This image of Jesus has been uncovered in the cement of a factory floor in Wolverhampton.
The convincing likeness of the son of God may look like it was intentionally created, but it was actually the result of a flash flood after a torrential downpour.
During the hour-long rain storm, water surged into the reception of EMS Maintenance in Willenhall, Wolverhampton.
The workforce was sent home during the flood and when they returned the next day, they were met by the 5in image of Christ
"I was on my way through reception and upstairs when I just caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of my eye," said supervisor Jason Prosser.
"It was immediately obvious it resembled a face - and the similarities with the traditional image of Christ are very striking."

Polar bear and a seal illusion
There are two animals in this picture, let me know which animals you see

Scary Eye Tattoo Illusion
The Tattoo making is so fun but at same time so much pain too, some bear the pain and go for tattoo but some don't like the pain so no tattoo. The eye tattoo is done in back of the head and it look so scary

Tree and Camel optical illusion
In this classic optical illusion picture, palm trees appear to turn into camels.

Weird Tattoo Design Illusion
A tattoo is a marking made by inserting indelible ink into the dermis layer of the skin to change the pigment for artistic, ritualistic or other reasons. Human being do this for fun while tattoos on animals are most commonly used for identification or branding, its need load of time and patience and i guess this guy has a lot

Naughty Toilet fun picture illusion

Crazy Stairs Optical Illusion
the stairs look little crazy, while staring at the stairs it will make your eye feel little dizzy