This repeating pattern of an ornithological variety contains a number of colorful and hidden birds - but exactly how many of each color are there?
Archive for 04/01/2011 - 05/01/2011
Colorful bird illusion | Hidden bird illusion

upside down road illusion
upside down road illusion, this is not an illusion but an amazing painting work to create an illusion

Peacock Feather Tattoo Illusion
Well this is not an illusion but an amazing designed tattoo on the back of a lady which look pretty nice

Contrast in circle shape optical illusion
How objects and colors appear is highly dependent on their context. The structural and spatial variables of a scene can influence appearance and perception. The following optical illusion demonstrates how we are sometimes fooled by our eyes

Invisible man optical illusion
Can you find the hidden man hiding himself in the soft drinks?

Starring Ghost eyes optical illusion
Wherever you are, the eyes of the ghost face follow you.
Wherever you are, this face seems to follow you with the eyes

Flickering Fog optical illusion
stare intently at the red dot in the center of the left block for about a couple of minutes.
Once you've done this, look over to the center of the right block. It should act weird - by fading out and 'flickering'. If you move your head closer and further from the monitor (while focussing in the center), you should see some interesting interference effects too.

Black hole appears bigger illusion
This is a pretty neat optical illusion. You keep getting deeper and deeper into. When staring into the middle it appears as though the black hole is getting larger and larger, or that you are falling into it.