Is the Stars are dancing? Circles of stars appear to rotate in opposite directions in a static illustration of the optical illusion variety
Archive for 08/01/2010 - 09/01/2010
Dancing Star Optical illusion | Counter clockwise rotating starts

The cup and ball trick optical illusion | Magic optical illusion
The cup and ball trick, with a modern twist.

Spider Tattoo Design For Foot | Tattoo Design
this kind of tattoos can be useful to scare people

Barack Obama Optical Illusion | Celerity optical illusion
Just like with the Jesus Illusion, you'll stare at this picture for 30 seconds and then stare at a blank wall. The wall doesn't have to be white, but we've found it works better with lighter colors. You can also stare at the white space next to the illusion on your computer monitor, or at a blank piece of paper on your desk.
For you to experience the strongest illusion, you'll want to stare at the center of the red plus sign. Don't move your head, and really try not to move your eyes at all. We've found that a plus sign allows your eyes to move ever so slightly, but you should be able to keep them centered.

Waving pin Wheel optical illusion | Expanding circle optical illusion
Concentrate on the center point of the circle and you will see that it starts moving as well as expanding. Actually it the lines are the same and are not moving.This is just an illusion to your eyes

Hillbilly and Horse optical illusion
What do you see, Hillbilly or Horse or both?

Fuuny guy doing Shit while driving car
isn't this crazy? well i think it is, such a nice painting to create an illusion

Hidden man optical illusion
What can you see? a couple of naked trees, if you can stare a little bit closely you may bale to see a man in between those trees

Impossible Motion magnet like slopes illusion
This optical illusion has been created in three dimensions. It is a real object. However impossible things seem to happen! The wooden balls seem to roll uphill. It cannot be magnets - they do not work on wood! This wonderful illusion was created by Koukichi Sugihara from the Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences in Japan. In May 2010 this video was the winner of the Best Visual Illusion of the Year Contest 2010.
However once the structure rotates, we can see that it is not constructed as we initially thought. We might have thought that the wooden balls were rolling uphill. Once we view it from the other side, we can see that in fact the balls are rolling downhill, and that the laws of physics are still being obeyed.

Hidden legs optical illusion | Handicap guy optical illusion
He is my one of the class mate in college, his name is Muqeet. what did you saw a handicap guy or a hidden legs?
Unfortunately the picture was taken from wrong position but good enough to create an illusion

Binocular Vision optical illusion | See through you hand illusion
If you want to see through your hand, you must take a sheet of paper and make a tube. With your right hand you put one end of the tube to your right eye, as you do it with a telescope. Then you hold your left hand at the tube, as shown in the PICTURE . You focus your eyes on the wall of the room. It will seem to you that you are looking through a hole in your left hand. If you move your hand back and forth, you can find a place where it will seem to you that the hole is in the center of your hand
It is Binocular Vision that explains this illusion. The picture of the hand in your left eye runs over the picture which you see with your right eye.