This is an example of an Anomorphic motion optical illusion. In other words, a static image that is percieved to have some form of motion.
Archive for 12/01/2009 - 01/01/2010
Anomalous Blobs Illusion | Moving Blobs Optical Illusion

3d anamorphic Optical illusion | Road Painting Optical Illusion
This is an example of an anamorphic illusion created by Julian Beever.
This sidewalk painting was drawn in a special distortion in order to create an
impression of 3 dimensions when seen from one particular viewpoint

Black and White Picture Optical Illusion | Hidden face Optical Illusion
Do you find something unusual in this picture? Can you see any hidden human face in this optical illusion? If not just move away from the screen and try focusing on the center portion

Cricle Size Disorting Optical Illusion
This is a unique view of a classic size distortion illusion. Looking at the illusion art below which crystal is larger the one in the center of the top left circle or the crystal in the center of the lower right circle? Each is surrounded by 6 other crystals. At first glance it appears that the crystal in the center of the top left circle is the larger of the two truth is though they are the exact same size.

Finished Spot Optical Illusion | Hidden Crocodile Illusion
The artist has made it so lively that at first instance the person feels like they both are going to fall due to sudden pressure of water and a crocodile is waiting for them to fall

Skeleton Optical Illusions | Dead Forest Optical Illusion
Nice place to Rest in Peace, if you can see the Skeleton taking rest in peace

Confusion Orange Colour Illusion
Believe it or not, the two orange bars on this image are exactly the same shade. It’s the way they are positioned on the green bars that makes them look different.

Swelling Optical Illusion
The bubble in the picture it seems to swelling, when u move your eye little upside down then u might see the bubbles swelling out a bit

The sun appears to expand Optical Illusion

Dead Honey Bee Illusion | Street Painting Illusion
That illusion looks so real but actually it is an artistic work of the painter, road painting is not that so easy to do but few artist were so amazing to do road painting.