Monday, November 23, 2009

Radiations Reaction Optical Illusion

This is the illusion which can cause harm to your eyes if you look continuously. Try looking at it for 45 sec and then see the wall you will see some radiations of this kind coming out of your wall too

Radiations Reaction Optical Illusion

This is actually not true in all cases.Just because some people see what they percieve,it has been stated here

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hand Painted Crocodile Illusion | Hand Painted Snake Illusion

Take a look at the art below, which looks like a crocodile/snake but the unusual thing about this picture is that it is painted on a hand...

Hand Painted Crocodile or snake llusion

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Slow Transmitting Gears Optical Illusion

The circle gears tend to move toward each other with much lesser speed.

Slow Transmitting Gears Optical Illusion

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Blue Dot Disappering Optical Illusion

Blue Dot Disappering Optical Illusion

Keep staring at the blue dot in the middle of the picture. The blue dot will shrink slowly and then disappear completely.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Blind Spot Optical Illusion | Disappearing Object Illusion

Blind Spot Optical Illusion

Look at the X with your left eye covered and move toward or away from the screen until the O disappears. You can repeat this, covering your right eye and looking at the O until the X disappears.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Double Face Fraggle Illusion

Double Face Fraggle Illusion
At first glance, you probably see an ordinary vase. However, if you look at it long enough, you can see two Fraggle-like creatures looking away from each other.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

The Balancing Girl Optical Illusion | The Headless Girl Optical Illusion

The nice way to fool a people by clicking some nice shot,

 The Headless Girl Optical Illusion

The Girl is balancing the another is so amazingly on her hand
The Balancing Girl Optical Illusion

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Spitting Water Optical Illusion | Boy and Girl Optical Illusion

The Girl is Spitting the water in the guys mouth directly,
Is she really spitting the water? no she is not.
This is an amazing sense of humor who tooked this pictures so clearly, it really look like the girl is spitting the water in boy mouth.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Tilted Lines | Straight Line Optical Illusion

If you measure you will see that the lines really are straight!!!