Queen Elizabeth II: Stare at the picture (on the left) for about 45 seconds. Keep your concentration, don't take your eyes off the picture. Then, stare at the white section on the right. You should see the Queen again.
Archive for 01/01/2009 - 02/01/2009
Hidden Queen Elizabeth Illusion

Sexy Girls In Toilet Bathroom Illusion Advertisement
Pretty funny photo of a bathroom where sexy girls make fun of you while you do get refreshed yourself. Amazing Advertisement isn't it?

Giant Dragon seen in Google Earth
This image looks scary, doesnt? you can see the Dragons Head embedded in the ground near Montana in Canada.
I think is just a coincidence of nature….
This image is taken from Google Earth , a good site to explore for news visions.

Impossible Dices Triangle Optical Illusion
To draw an optical illusion is easy but to construct an optical illusion is pretty hard, not impossible. Shigeo Fukuda did some pretty good optical illusion with real objects. I have no idea how in the world this guy did that dice illusion, possible using back the same principle like Shigeo Fukuda did, mirror.

Bill 5 Dollar’s Scary Illusion
In 1954, the Bank of Canada issued a new bill with the engraving of Queen Elisabeth II on it.
But then the bank started receiving complaints. People saw the face of the devil in the Queen’s hair, right behind her ear.
Is not convincing , but the bank did . They destroyed all bills and reprinted them with a slightly changed version.

Virgin Mary spotted in a tree Illusion
A likeness of the Virgin Mary spotted in the trunk of a suburban tree is being touted as a divine blessing.
The image, which resembles the mother of Jesus in her traditional open-armed pose, has reportedly been causing local residents to shake and cry in wonder.
Christopher Moreau, who first spotted the trees markings in his neighbours garden in the Toronto suburb of Scarborough, believes that it may have helped the health of his mother-in-law, who recently recovered from cancer.
“At first I thought I was seeing things,” the 47-year-old said. “Then I went and got my mother-in-law to tell her. She was overwhelmed by it. She was crying.”
“I don’t know why it’s there, but I think it’s a blessing,” he told the Toronto Sun newspaper, adding that he hoped it would help others looking for a miracle.
“She’s not there just for me. She’s there to share.”
Eulalee Hamilton, Mr Moreaus neighbour and the owner of the tree, said that she was happy for people to come see the likeness as long as they did not damage her garden.
Laughing off suggestions that it was a sign from God, she said that the Virgin Mary image was just the scarring from a limb that was cut off the tree a year ago.
“Chris can have all the people he wants on his back deck but I don’t really want people trampling on my garden,” she said.
Mr Moreau has admitted he was drinking in his garden when he first spotted the likeness, but insists he was completely sober. “I’m not a wacko,” he said.
“It raises the hair on your neck, it gives you chills,” he added.
A spokesman for the Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto said that it does not investigate the veracity of such appearances.
There have been hundreds of “sightings” of the Virgin Mary down the centuries, but recent years have seen her appearing in ever more unusual places.
A decade-old toasted cheese sandwich said to bear her image was sold on eBay $28,000 in 2004.

Extreme 3D Nude Woman Paint Illusion
Extreme 3D Nude Woman Paint Illusion is one amazing airbrushed paint Illusion. Looking at this Image I could swear that it was 3D and extruding out of the hood. As far as i know it is “actually” just a 3d painting, or is it? What do you guys think, did some crazy guy mold a nude girl into his hood or was it just a painted by an amazing Artist Julian beaver.
Airbrushed 3D Naked Woman Paint Illusion

The urban art of Joshua Callaghan: Integrating street objects Illusion
“The city called for propsals to decorate some utilty boxes in a recently renovated town square,” he explains. “They were lookng for painters, but when I heard about the call I inspcted the boxes and simply had the idea of using photographs”

The Hidden Bird And Lion Illusion
This one is pretty easy but see if you can see the lion and a bird hidden amongst the Zebras and let me know how many Birds, Lions and Zebras did you found. Don't forget to comment me

Sexy Art Sand Girl Illusion
Real Girls or Sand Sculptures? Yes, you are right this is a sand sculptures not the girl, amazing isn't it?

Water & Boat Illusion
See the illusion below and check whether the boat is flying in air or is floating on water. Actually it is floating on water and the water is so clear that it looks like it is flying in air