Check the illusion and you might see a ghost drinking shampian, the shadow has designed so immensely that it gives a impression of ghost drinking shampian
Archive for 10/01/2008 - 11/01/2008
Shampian Drinking Ghost Illusion

Tracking Eyes Optical Illusion
Does it look like this person is looking directly at you, even if you move to the right or left?
Most people would say that she is.
Our eyes are extremely adept at looking for the perfect roundness in another person’s eyes. If we see a perfectly round pupil it means that they are looking at us. Even amazingly small deviations from circular can be detected.
In this optical illusion, the pupils remain perfectly round and look like they follow us when we move.

Spinning Ferris Wheels Optical Illusion
These images work by using different shading techniques that cause your eye to shift around giving the objects the illusion that they are moving. It doesn’t always work right away for everyone but generally if you stare at one of the circles the other ones will start to move around the ones you are focusing on. Try it out and let me know if it works for you.

Expansion Ray Surface Illusion
This is similar to the moving illusion, Each ray appears to move outward and circle seems to dancing while you look at the center closely.

Triple Sunrise Illusion
Today, the Sun rises due east at the Equinox, a geocentric astronomical event that occurs twice a year. To celebrate, consider this view of the rising Sun and a lovely set of ice halos recorded on a cold winter morning near Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA, planet Earth. Produced by sunlight shining through common atmospheric ice crystals with hexagonal cross-sections, such halos can actually be seen more often than rainbows. The remarkable sunrise picture captures a beautiful assortment of the types most frequently seen, including a sun pillar (center) just above the rising Sun surrounded by a 22 degree halo arc. Completing a triple sunrise illusion, sundogs appear at the far left and far right edges of the 22 degree arc. An upper tangent arc is also just visible at the very top of the view.

Sexy Lady Optical Illusion
The Girl can be looking toward you or away from you and the lines can be drawn in to show either perspective.
Which way is this lovely girl actually facing?

Famous Painting of Devils Illusion
A Painting which looks far more than just a painting. Kert has made it and look more realistic. It looks like a real devil is coming out of earth

Reverse Man And Boy Illusion
Take a closer look at both the images. In first image you will able to see a face of Boy and when you reverse the image then you will able see a image of a man,

Scary Eye Illusion
See this image carefully. On the first sight you will see something unusual in her eyes but if you see it carefully you will see that the eyes are closed and what you are seeing is a nice tattoo design, she got to give a feeling that her eyes are open even when they actually are closed