Monday, July 28, 2008

Girl head on a plate illusion

Is the Girl head really on a plate? or it's just an illusion.

Girl head on a plate illusion


Anonymous said...

wat is that

true or false

wow thats kool girl

Anonymous said...

the girl might be standing other side of the wall

Anonymous said...

I think the girl is in a box painted in a way that makes it look like atable with one leg from a certain angle. (no i did not take the picture)

Anonymous said...

IT IS AN ILLUSION! Does anyone see that?! Seriously! I do people* know how to paint it in a way so it looks like it is something different?
*spoiler(kind of, i am not 100% sure if i am correct,LOL

Anonymous said...

I am green. I feed from dirt. Who am I? ________________ TREE.
Having a hard time? Oh I forgot it is brown as well

Anonymous said...

Does any see it is an illusion? After you know that it is self explainatory

Anonymous said...

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