Do you see a cube missing a corner? Or do you see a small cube in a big one?

This is similar to confusion reading illusion, Reading Japanese word is easy nowadays, actually the word is not in Japanese Language. Let me tell you how to read this words just bend your head to your left shoulder and try to read this. Don't forget to comment me if you got those words to read properly
What will happen if Animals start reading Books. Check out the illusion below and it looks like the dog is so tired after reading the book
The Shadow of a girl is totally merged with the clothes lying on the ground giving it a look of a Sexy Girl Standing on the ground in Bikini.
This illusion gives a funny appearance that the girl is resting on top of that alphabet at the first sight but when you view it a bit carefully you will find that the girl is resting on the ground. The posture in which the the picture was taken makes us feel that the girl is at top of the world.
This guy looking so thirsty that he made up his mind to drink the water which falling down heavily from waterfall. This image looks so amazing, my friend has tooked this image, we are enjoying our trip out there suddenly i got an idea to capture a image in this fashion and i tried lot and finally i got one picture perfectly and the guy in the picture his name is Aashiq and he really enjoyed this post by me