Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Spiral Snail Illusion

Is the Snail Shell is really Spiral? Its seems to be like rotating, isn't it?

Spiral Snail Illusion

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Reverse Horse Head Illusion

Take a closer look at both the images. In first image you will able to see a face of man and in second image you will able to see a head horse, just reverse the man faces it suddenly becomes a head of horse.

Reverse Horse Head Illusion

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Mind Warp Illusion

Stair at this circles closely, you will find the circles are rotating clock wise and some are rotating anti clock wise.

Mind Warp illusion

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Funny Chair Illusion

what do you see? are they naked from waist? are they? have a close look you will get it. This is really confusing to figure out in first time.

Funny Chair Illusion

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Balanced Colour in Cow illusion

Balanced Colour in Cow illusion

The Color in the photo of a cow in not well balanced (the left side is bluish and the right has too much yellow). To restore the color balance share at the fly in the second diagram for 30 seconds, then look at the cow again...

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Hidden Car on Dolphin Illusion

What you can see here? A Dolphin playing with the football, well just go little far away from your computer and have a look at Dolphin you will able to a Sports car.

Hidden Car on Dolphin Illusion

Friday, November 09, 2007

Transparent Screen Illusion

You must be confused how is this possible? this is possible, Just take a camera and capture a image of the wall and set as a wallpaper in your laptop and adjust it.

Transparent Screen Illusion

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Ghost Circle Illusion

Well, you must think what is in this circle like ghost. Keep looking at this circle for something this will make your eyes dizzy.

ghost circle illusion

Monday, November 05, 2007

Painted Laptop Illusion

This is Amazing Painting in the footpath, the Laptop seems to be real in the footpath the public will definately give a second look at it.

Painted Laptop Illusion

Friday, November 02, 2007

Hidden Wolf Optical Illusion

Count the number of wolves you can see in this picture, there are some hidden wolf too. Definitely the number of wolves is more then just a one, if anyone will get of those hidden Wolf then don't forgot to comment me.

Hidden Wolf Optical Illusion