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Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Extreme Reading Illusion
Ignore the fact that the subject paragraph on the left is badly mangled. Try reading it through anyway.
wow! taht is sooooooo cool! It desnot rlaley wrok wtih my frsit sntcence! Tthas bad for the ilsoiuln! Oh wlel, I fnuod it vrey esay to raed. Can YOU do it vrey wlel?
SO all we need to spell "correctly" are first and last letters, and a scramble of the rest. If it's "perfect spelling" as far as our brains are concerned, shouldn't spelling tests be marked this way? ;-)
I tuohght taht tiss was aoswmee it was all vrey esay to raed eevn tohguh it was sarcbeld it wulod be vrey cool see a wolhe book lkie tihs jsut for fun tahkn you for sohwonig tihs.
this is really confusing
wow! taht is sooooooo cool! It desnot rlaley wrok wtih my frsit sntcence! Tthas bad for the ilsoiuln! Oh wlel, I fnuod it vrey esay to raed. Can YOU do it vrey wlel?
AEWOMSE!!! That is the weirdest thing I ever saw in my life!
SO all we need to spell "correctly" are first and last letters, and a scramble of the rest. If it's "perfect spelling" as far as our brains are concerned, shouldn't spelling tests be marked this way? ;-)
That was really easy... just read fast!
I tuohght taht tiss was aoswmee it was all vrey esay to raed eevn tohguh it was sarcbeld it wulod be vrey cool see a wolhe book lkie tihs jsut for fun tahkn you for sohwonig tihs.
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